Graduate Professional Success for STEM PhDs and Postdocs

Science | Technology | Engineering | Math & Medicine
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Industry Insights for STEM Scientists

STEM Business Concepts for Scientists

Learn all about industry structure, functioning and growth. This course is tailored for PhDs and Postdocs.

Career and Networking Mixers

Career and Networking Mixers

Panel discussions that explore various careers with a networking session after. Get connected and get informed!

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GPS-STEM better prepares STEM scientists for a variety of careers within the STEM workforce, and empower them to become not only skilled scientists, but also polished professionals.

Program Elements

Four Pillars to Professional Development


Increase awareness and interest in diverse careers outside of academic research


Improve communication and other skills needed to pursue academic and non-academic career paths


Hands-on experience through on campus and external internships


Build networks that allow our members to prepare for and transition to diverse careers

Click on any of the four pillars to find out more

Alumni Outcomes

GPS-STEM (including GPS-BIOMED) alumni is employed in variety of different job sectors ranging from academic research, for-profit, non-profit and governments.







  • Industry: Business Development, Consulting, Entrepreneaurship, Marketing, Data Science, Intellectual Property,  Regulatory Affairs, Science Writing & Communications, Research Staff, Clinical Trials Management
  • Academia: Postdoc, Research, and Teaching Faculty
  • Government: Science Policy & Government Affairs

Join GPS-STEM and start building your career

With a PhD you can do (almost) anything. Industry, academia or everything inbetween, there’s a career that matches your values and skillsets.