Effective Mentoring for PhD Students & Postdocs

Mentor Training & Professional Development


Effective Mentoring Program

A 7-week training program with a mix of didactic lectures and group activities base don specific cast study discussions in peer-peer mentoring pods.

This program is open to PhDs & Postdocs from all STEM disciplines with priority registration for GPS-STEM members and T32 recepients.

Why Mentoring:

  • Effective mentoring is essential for early-career researcher success.
  • Strong mentoring boosts research output, career satisfaction, and retention.
  • Mentorship fosters independence and career advancement.

Why Join:

  • Expert Presenters
  • Hands-on Case Studies
  • Community of Peers
  • Certificate of Completion

What You’ll Learn:

  • Top Evidence-Based Mentoring Practices
  • What it means to be a good mentor
  • What to look for in a good mentor

Hosted by:

Special Thank to Our Program Collaborators

2024 Program Details

Who: PhDs & Postdocs

When: Tuesdays, 12-1:30pm | October 8 – November 19, 2024

Where: NatSci I-1114

Limited Spots Available. Register Here by September 10, 2024.


Module 0: Pre-Mentoring Survey

Module 4: Ethical Behavior


Module 1: Introduction to Mentoring

Speakers: TBD

Module 5: Equity, Inclusion, Unconcious Bias

Speakers: Jade Turner

Module 2: Aligning Expectations

Speakers: Vince Caiozzo, PhD

Module 6: Independence


Module 3: Assessing Understanding

Speakers: Phong Luong, Psy.D.

Module 7: Career & Professional Development

Speakers: David Fruman, Ph.D & Lauren Lyon

More on The Effective Mentorship Program

Why Mentoring? Effective mentoring is critical to the success of early-career researchers. Strong mentoring has been linked to:
  • Enhanced mentor-mentee productivity
  • Career satisfaction & success
  • Independence in research
Despite its importance, mentoring is typically learned by example, trial and error, and peer observation. Given this approach, mentor capabilities are highly variable. Current mentor development and training contrasts sharply with the contemporaneous rigor of instruction and assessment characteristic of competency-based and practice-centered education.  In order to address the lack of structured mentoring, we plan to offer a comprehensive mentoring curriculum for early career researchers (PhD students, postdocs, research staff).
Mission: To ensure that everyone feels supported in their pursuit of satisfying and successful careers
  • Offer standardized mentoring training
  • Best practices in mentoring
  • Build mentoring relationships
  • Training on best practices in mentoring
  • Improving mentoring culture/effective mentoring at UCI
  • Ensuring trainee success in research career as well as professional development
For more information related to the course, please contact the course organizers (below).
Lauren Lyon, GPS-STEM – lauren.lyon@uci.edu
Harinder Singh, PhD., Physiology & Biophysics– Harinder.Singh@uci.edu
Vincent Caiozzo, PhD., ICTS – vjcaiozz@uci.edu
Marguerite Klumb, ICTS – mklumb@hs.uci.edu

Success & Outcomes of 2021 course offering: Executive Summary